AGM 2020
Notes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Monday 17th February 2020 at 7:00pm
The 2020 season began with the Annual General Meeting, opened by Chairman Annie Inman who reported the death of Gaynor Shaw, who had served the club well for several years and recently had prepared an excellent programme of speakers for 2020. Members stood in silence for a minute in her memory.
Gaynor used to play in the Salvation Army Band and a donation to them has been made, also there will be a class for Sweet Peas in the Summer Show in her memory. Annie reported that 2019 had been another successful year, with 8 speakers, 2 colourful shows, and outings to Rosemoor and a cottage garden at Ashprington. Hosting the Inter Garden Club Quiz in October had been a challenge but the evening went well.
Sylvia Gokhale, Treasurer, reported a small overall improvement in finances for the year and recommended no change in the subscription levels charged.
The outings this year will be by coach to Hartland Abbey on May 21st and to Burnham Orchids at Newton Abbot on September 9th, by shared cars.
As all the Committee were prepared to continue, the officers were re-elected en bloc and welcomed Maureen Loton to join them. A brief meeting of the committee confirmed the Officer’s appointments.